My completed Digipak Advertisement is shown below. Personally I think this is a good advertisement meeting the criteria and coheding with the previous task (digipak.) I kept a similliar theme and made sure that the initial digipak was visible on the advertisement, fading, lighting and blur effects were all used along with text inner and outer glows to emphasis important information
Monday, 16 April 2012
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Questionnare (Quantative Research)
I have decided to produce a questionnare to help me gather ideas about my upcoming music video and what a wide variety of people expect to see and look for in a music video they enjoy. Below is a text copy of my Questionnare:
Below you will find a series of questions regarding music videos, please answer honestly and circle as many answers that apply when necessary.
1. What is your favourite music video?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. What is your favourite genre of music video?
Pop Rock Punk Indie Acoustic Other (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
3. What do you look for in a music video?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Do you know how music videos are produced?
Yes No
Other (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. What is your opinion on mainstream music videos?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. What is your favourite setting within a music video?
Field Club Warehouse House Street Garage
Other (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
7. Which age group are you?
0 < 14 15 < 20 21 < 35 36 < 47 48 < 59 60 <
Looking at Theories
As I move further through the planning stages of my project I have decided to gather a list of media relevant theories and see if they can or already are being applied relevantly to my project so far. I have acquire a wide variety of theories and opinions from well known models within the study of media, many from existing notes others from new research:
Coates Examined that there are 4 ways to understand a society which links to Ideology and therefore can be implemented within the decision making of our characters for our music shoot. To some extent this has already been considered as we have thought about how the audience will react to our actors and the character they are portraying when being displayed in different scenarios and performing different actions, for instance the same actor being the bassist in the band as well as one of the characters the story focus around.
Cohen, S Coined the term moral panic in 1972. This was when media was often seen as the trigger for a decline in moral standards in society, this is more an expansion of knowledge than a theory that can be applied but knowing this will help me relate to panic in terms of media with a much better understanding.
John Corner Examined the process of realism within media texts, something which I personally aim to apply during the production of my preliminary tasks, and not so much within the ancillary itself, simply due to the nature of a post-hardcore genre of music video does not typically involve traits of realism and relys on abtract imagery and messages in its portrayal of a story.

Todorov, T Identified 5 stages of narrative/story and the notion that plots have a circular narrative. Equillibrium and Disequillibrium. These narrative stages were applied in a rather disfigured sense to our video, and not as well as they could have in my personal opinion, but they were there, making sure an equillibrium and disequillibruim were achieved at different stages of the production.
Music Video Evaluation (Ancillary)
Now that we have completed our production of our music video. I am required and addditionally think it will be beneficial to evaluate it. I can already (and even during the proccess) think of things that I would implement if given a second chance to produce the music video. Not only will this section of my project demonstrate my understansding of conventions and effectiveness but the amount of my progression throughout this time period, from AS to A2, I have most definitely harnessed my skills throughout many aspects of media, including my comfortability with media related programs such as Photoshop, After Effects, Premier and many others.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Typically a post-hardcore music video follows similiar conventions to other more popular genres, like pop. For instance protrayal of love in the form of break ups and make ups is a common occurence throughout many of A Day To Remembers own productions. The diffference however occurs during other aspects than the storyline of the video itself. Dark and dissaturated colour schemes are a popular product of this genre, used amongst other elements to create imagery of the sinister sort and connotations to misbheaviour and a thug like nature. Our band shoot included a variety of spot, beam and strobe lighting, on the band themselves (primarily the lead singer) with a darkened surroundnig and closed studio blinds to cohede with this. However as a fan of A Day To Remember's music and their videos I and my colleauges were aware that they themselves challenge the conventions of the genre, both lyrically and therefore during their music videos also. As the songs lyrics are not directly displaying negative emotions to the narrator's ex/partner it made perfect sense for us to do the exact same thing, not only showing an understanding of how and when the convetions can be challenged but also contextual knowledge of the artist's situation. Within our video we challenged the conventions by including adding more shots of the stereotypical story 'break up' scenes, but included a wide range of lighting and scenarios with these to keep cohesion with the lighting that is used within the band shots of my (and others within the same genre.) This is evidence that our film develops like real media products, as we replect the same method use by an exisiting artist within the genre.
Furthermore the lyrical and visual cohesion which exists in the majority of music videos in all genres is the same with our video with changes in scenario adapting to the lyrics and the pace of the song. We even use certain cuts and effects to make further cohesion between the music and the visuals for instance a closeup on a drum snare in sync with music to show that the band is actually playing all the correct notes for the song and we are not just pretending to play the song, with random strumming, we made sure when we asked for volunteer actors that they could play the song necessary and addiitonally looked the part, somethingt hat any official produciton team would commit to. This is further emphasized by the agression of our actors in particullar the lead singer, who is a real hardcore singer in real life, adapting to different parts of the song was able to use his knowledge and expeirence of 'flat' and 'scream' singing (terminology within post-hardcore music) to act accordingly and put energy in his actions to shows expression and emotion in his singing.
focus on the protagonist and/or lead singer is also another noticeable aim for music videos of the genre. Use of close ups, extreme close ups, in to out pans, left to right and left to right diagonal pans are all used to reference the protagonist at different times of him singing the lyrics. We also centred him within the strucutre of the shoot to show his importance and used a section of our free hand film reel to adapt to his movement and energy on stage, something I feel personally worked really well as when comparing it to the 'Abandon All Ships' music video this same tehcnique was later found to be used.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
For my choice of anicllary and preliminary tasks, I chose the combinaiton of the creation of a Jewel Case Digipak and a magazine advertisment promoting the Digipak, both relating to the production of the music video.
The effectiveness of the digipak in itself, fits comfortably within the genre conventions, this can be highlighted when comparing the elements produced by myself to that evident in those shown within the research period for my preliminary ('See Research (Preliminary')) The use of the appaearance of the band members in particullar the lead singer being constant throughout both pieces gfives the audience something to relate to as the lead singer of a band is often the most recognizable and popular of the musical group. By keeping this continous throughout this became highlighted and it drew the audiences attention to this particullar character who they alreadya associate with the band and therefore know the artist just from any aspect of the tasks.
Additionally the inclusion of the Digipak in its full form, on the Advertisement itself was important as the audience need to see the product in the advertisement, this was seen in every advertisement analysed. Also coheding the colour scheme from one task to another was an important decision and kept the theme of the tasks the same between the two, so the album has its own feel. This worked particullarly well with the Elton John advertisment and I worked hard at replicating this with the continual use of grey and dark green, with effects on Photoshop, dimming and adjusting the light.
Lighting from the images is also a factor that I considered when producing botht tasks. The nautural light from the middle page image, helps contrast with the inudstrial 'fake' light added using Photoshop on the page where the lyrics are displayed, this for one reason, helps the text easier to read but also means the images are more in focus and draw the attention of the reader when there is less text and the other way round when there is more text. i achieved this very well and the images fade into the background of the piece simply.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
From the wide range of audience feeback we, as a group have recieved, the majority of responses focused on the relationship depicted in our film. The unstereotypical same sex male, friendship 'break up' did not seem a fitting choice for the genre, where stereotypical male/female relationships break up and the theme of love is much stronger. However I still agree that challenging this was a correct move considering the state of the band we were producing a music video to, and the lyrics of the song. In heinsight the use of a male/female break up could of fit nicely within the genre.
From feedback through Facebook, criticism on the composition of a few of the later shots was picked up, this was also mentioned by our Media teacher himself, and proper effective use of Tripods wa snot as good as it could of have been. The effectiveness of some of our shots, do not compare with the others which was dissapointing, as some of them, especially the ones within the subway were highly praised from all forms of feedback.
A positive note from many, was the mise en scene of the entire product with actors, dressed appropriately with correct insturments for the production of the song, and the correct note playing, and lyrics from our actors. This was something we planned and did not intend on pretending to play the song, avoiding a cheap imitation of the song. It was nice to see this was picked up on and we even recieved praise on the syncing of the music video from our A2 Media teacher.
How did you use media technologies in the Construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?
The use of media technologies throughout all aspects of my A2 project was very usefull and important for the production.
During planning the use of computer planning programs and internet access we were able to devise a mindmap with the appropriate conventions for a music video of our personal taste. This although taking some time was probably the most important part of our entire project and it really helped the rest of production run smoothly and achieve the reuslt we did. As we were constantly referring to the convetions and elements we wanted to achieve and how to achieve them, which made my tasks high grade material, hitting all assessment objectives.
Advanced programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects were extremely usefull, being used to clip together the film taken with a classmates HD camera. My classmate had previous experience with the use Premiere, however both other programs I learnt how to use using online tutorials and through the plannning stage producing small edited images for my own benefit. During the choice of shot compisiton and editing all members of the group were present and putting forward ideas however Neelesh Joshi had the most experience with the program and used his laptop to edit the film whilst we were present formulating ideas together.
Photoshop was used to produce both preliminary and ancillary tasks, and my skills have most definitely improved since last years AS tasks, I was much more confident in experimenting with advanced tools such as multiple layer tooling and masking, not just magic wand cropping and pasting. After Effects also, although this had a minimal usage within my project as I only required it for two effects when creating my preliminary.
During the evaluation stage media technologies were used alot, with the addition of blogger to blog my entire project, tumblr to upload series of images and slideshare, sharing information in a powerpoint form making it much more accessible and hitting the assessment objective of using tehcnology in presentation. Additionally a key importance when using blogspot was the make the presentation of the entire project much more accessible and easy to highlight different stages of my project. Feedback was much more evident when using web 2.0 to interact with me and my classmates with video feedback (See 'Feedback') and comments both on Youtube and Facebook. Additionally I have recieved a personal inbox from another A2 Media student asking how we achieved a particullar effect on the making of the music video. I was able to respond to this person with use of Youtube's capabilites in web 2.0 and this interaction with the audience allowed for greater feedback, evidenced by the excess of 50+ comments on the comments section of the uploaded video via Facebook.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Typically a post-hardcore music video follows similiar conventions to other more popular genres, like pop. For instance protrayal of love in the form of break ups and make ups is a common occurence throughout many of A Day To Remembers own productions. The diffference however occurs during other aspects than the storyline of the video itself. Dark and dissaturated colour schemes are a popular product of this genre, used amongst other elements to create imagery of the sinister sort and connotations to misbheaviour and a thug like nature. Our band shoot included a variety of spot, beam and strobe lighting, on the band themselves (primarily the lead singer) with a darkened surroundnig and closed studio blinds to cohede with this. However as a fan of A Day To Remember's music and their videos I and my colleauges were aware that they themselves challenge the conventions of the genre, both lyrically and therefore during their music videos also. As the songs lyrics are not directly displaying negative emotions to the narrator's ex/partner it made perfect sense for us to do the exact same thing, not only showing an understanding of how and when the convetions can be challenged but also contextual knowledge of the artist's situation. Within our video we challenged the conventions by including adding more shots of the stereotypical story 'break up' scenes, but included a wide range of lighting and scenarios with these to keep cohesion with the lighting that is used within the band shots of my (and others within the same genre.) This is evidence that our film develops like real media products, as we replect the same method use by an exisiting artist within the genre.
Furthermore the lyrical and visual cohesion which exists in the majority of music videos in all genres is the same with our video with changes in scenario adapting to the lyrics and the pace of the song. We even use certain cuts and effects to make further cohesion between the music and the visuals for instance a closeup on a drum snare in sync with music to show that the band is actually playing all the correct notes for the song and we are not just pretending to play the song, with random strumming, we made sure when we asked for volunteer actors that they could play the song necessary and addiitonally looked the part, somethingt hat any official produciton team would commit to. This is further emphasized by the agression of our actors in particullar the lead singer, who is a real hardcore singer in real life, adapting to different parts of the song was able to use his knowledge and expeirence of 'flat' and 'scream' singing (terminology within post-hardcore music) to act accordingly and put energy in his actions to shows expression and emotion in his singing.
focus on the protagonist and/or lead singer is also another noticeable aim for music videos of the genre. Use of close ups, extreme close ups, in to out pans, left to right and left to right diagonal pans are all used to reference the protagonist at different times of him singing the lyrics. We also centred him within the strucutre of the shoot to show his importance and used a section of our free hand film reel to adapt to his movement and energy on stage, something I feel personally worked really well as when comparing it to the 'Abandon All Ships' music video this same tehcnique was later found to be used.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
For my choice of anicllary and preliminary tasks, I chose the combinaiton of the creation of a Jewel Case Digipak and a magazine advertisment promoting the Digipak, both relating to the production of the music video.
The effectiveness of the digipak in itself, fits comfortably within the genre conventions, this can be highlighted when comparing the elements produced by myself to that evident in those shown within the research period for my preliminary ('See Research (Preliminary')) The use of the appaearance of the band members in particullar the lead singer being constant throughout both pieces gfives the audience something to relate to as the lead singer of a band is often the most recognizable and popular of the musical group. By keeping this continous throughout this became highlighted and it drew the audiences attention to this particullar character who they alreadya associate with the band and therefore know the artist just from any aspect of the tasks.
Additionally the inclusion of the Digipak in its full form, on the Advertisement itself was important as the audience need to see the product in the advertisement, this was seen in every advertisement analysed. Also coheding the colour scheme from one task to another was an important decision and kept the theme of the tasks the same between the two, so the album has its own feel. This worked particullarly well with the Elton John advertisment and I worked hard at replicating this with the continual use of grey and dark green, with effects on Photoshop, dimming and adjusting the light.
Lighting from the images is also a factor that I considered when producing botht tasks. The nautural light from the middle page image, helps contrast with the inudstrial 'fake' light added using Photoshop on the page where the lyrics are displayed, this for one reason, helps the text easier to read but also means the images are more in focus and draw the attention of the reader when there is less text and the other way round when there is more text. i achieved this very well and the images fade into the background of the piece simply.
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
From the wide range of audience feeback we, as a group have recieved, the majority of responses focused on the relationship depicted in our film. The unstereotypical same sex male, friendship 'break up' did not seem a fitting choice for the genre, where stereotypical male/female relationships break up and the theme of love is much stronger. However I still agree that challenging this was a correct move considering the state of the band we were producing a music video to, and the lyrics of the song. In heinsight the use of a male/female break up could of fit nicely within the genre.
From feedback through Facebook, criticism on the composition of a few of the later shots was picked up, this was also mentioned by our Media teacher himself, and proper effective use of Tripods wa snot as good as it could of have been. The effectiveness of some of our shots, do not compare with the others which was dissapointing, as some of them, especially the ones within the subway were highly praised from all forms of feedback.
A positive note from many, was the mise en scene of the entire product with actors, dressed appropriately with correct insturments for the production of the song, and the correct note playing, and lyrics from our actors. This was something we planned and did not intend on pretending to play the song, avoiding a cheap imitation of the song. It was nice to see this was picked up on and we even recieved praise on the syncing of the music video from our A2 Media teacher.
How did you use media technologies in the Construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?
The use of media technologies throughout all aspects of my A2 project was very usefull and important for the production.
During planning the use of computer planning programs and internet access we were able to devise a mindmap with the appropriate conventions for a music video of our personal taste. This although taking some time was probably the most important part of our entire project and it really helped the rest of production run smoothly and achieve the reuslt we did. As we were constantly referring to the convetions and elements we wanted to achieve and how to achieve them, which made my tasks high grade material, hitting all assessment objectives.
Advanced programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects were extremely usefull, being used to clip together the film taken with a classmates HD camera. My classmate had previous experience with the use Premiere, however both other programs I learnt how to use using online tutorials and through the plannning stage producing small edited images for my own benefit. During the choice of shot compisiton and editing all members of the group were present and putting forward ideas however Neelesh Joshi had the most experience with the program and used his laptop to edit the film whilst we were present formulating ideas together.
Photoshop was used to produce both preliminary and ancillary tasks, and my skills have most definitely improved since last years AS tasks, I was much more confident in experimenting with advanced tools such as multiple layer tooling and masking, not just magic wand cropping and pasting. After Effects also, although this had a minimal usage within my project as I only required it for two effects when creating my preliminary.
During the evaluation stage media technologies were used alot, with the addition of blogger to blog my entire project, tumblr to upload series of images and slideshare, sharing information in a powerpoint form making it much more accessible and hitting the assessment objective of using tehcnology in presentation. Additionally a key importance when using blogspot was the make the presentation of the entire project much more accessible and easy to highlight different stages of my project. Feedback was much more evident when using web 2.0 to interact with me and my classmates with video feedback (See 'Feedback') and comments both on Youtube and Facebook. Additionally I have recieved a personal inbox from another A2 Media student asking how we achieved a particullar effect on the making of the music video. I was able to respond to this person with use of Youtube's capabilites in web 2.0 and this interaction with the audience allowed for greater feedback, evidenced by the excess of 50+ comments on the comments section of the uploaded video via Facebook.
Music Video Analysis 2 (Shot Selection)
As of today I have only posted one music video analysis, so I have decided to another of a local band which me and my colleauges like. I thought this would be a good idea if for this particullar analysis I focused on picking out certain shots and describing why they work and what they have done to achieve this. This is extremely usefull as we are hopefull that the 'clean' singer of this band is going to as the lead singer of our music video and therefore we can hopefully compare the form of shot they have used here with ones we hope to use ourselves, and take ideas of what looks good with the particullar actor.
When we break down the video, it is clear a wide range of shots are used with excellent lighting and cohesion between them all.
The first shot of the music video is of the clean singer, establishing the beginning of the story by introducing the farm type area that they are in as well as this black book. As the music begins, we are shown an establishing shot of the abandoned barn and due to the lighting from this shot, it leaves alot of mystery as you can only see the band members outline. The next shot, is a close up of Toby, as he sings the clean vocals at the start of the song. During the first 30 seconds of the song, we are shown elements of the story, all of the band members and a number of close-ups.
Genre Research
Genre spercific research is important to understand the conventions and requirements for our main production. To understand how the genre has developed its roots and why it acts the way it does is what this post will aim to achieve. Below I will look at the developments of the genre and some current popular artists within, seeing where they have come from to establish how the genre came about.

The meaning of the term has diminished to a certain extent and its true genre meaning of the word 'hardcore' has weakened, the genre can spread to songs which at sometimes are borderline pop, with much more electronic instrumentals being accepted in the genre. Punk bands have often merged into this genre, such as Dead By April (a swedish metal band.)
As the term explains 'post'-hardcore derived from elements of hardcore music, and is hence softening in its real rock roots and riffs. Particularly with the wide range of music genres one song can fit into several genres, and the increasing in genres does not necessaarily produce a more specific classification of the form of music. For instance 'Dead By April' have been described as rock, metal, metalcore, post-hardcore and even breakcore.

Looking at an artist
Recently, since I have started my media project, I have been tending to look at artists and musicians i see in my daily life through the media or listen to and, think about how their image and their profile is presented, as that is a huge part of benig succesfull in the music industry. One of my favourite artists , John Mayer in my eyes has one of the most unhinged and respectable representations as an artist, not letting fame go to his head like many others do so to speak. I've decided to compose a quick profile of his musical life and try to work out how he has chosen to portray himself or if he has been forced to be displayed in a certian way by music labels which many people are, especially female R&B or pop musicans, forced to be portrayed as an arguable sex object, being a bad role model for young female teens. I will however focus on relating this to my music video production and how the cohesion between my ancillary and preliminary productions will display the band in a way that my target audience expect to see them.
So who is John Mayer?
Besides being a great musician in the eyes of many, wikipedia tell us that John Mayer is "
How does he control his image within the media?
John mayer unlike other stars in the spotlight, is capable of controlling his own image and doing what he wants in his music career. One event I would like to reference however is an article by Allison Samuels a senior writer at newsweek talking about John's arguable racist comments within a Playboy magazine interview, you can find a link to the article below:
The article discusses how John Maye's remarks "not worth paraphrasing" about black women are mimiced by the predominant male society and then he himself is not a racist but did not necessarily confide what the majority of men do. An incident such as this can completely tarnishe an artists reputation, for instance the Chris Brown report on him hitting Rihanna made huge headlines purely because Chris Brown and Rihanna were already in the spotlight. In this incident, people around Chris Brown were controlling him advising him what to do and working around to communicate with interview requests, chat shows e.t.c. John Mayer deals with these himself and does not seem to act like he gets the attention he gets, which is basically all a famous person is, someone who is well known for something they have done.
His album artworks are not pushing his own personal talents, from this example it is just the fact that he writes his own songs that is being put to the front. Arguably this shows modesty but often displaying the skills and credit when credit is due of the artists is a good promotional tool. He however emphasises his band often, sharing the credit to all who deserve it.
Final Product (Ancillary)
My initial reaction to the completed product, is that it hit the assessment objectives very well (see 'Getting Started' post.) It was very fun to make, and I have learnt a lot during the proccess. Throughout the production, my classmate and I shared an equal distribution of the worklaod, in both planning and production we were ofte
n gathered as a group discussing and sharing ideas.
n gathered as a group discussing and sharing ideas.
Below is the final music video of our take on 'A Day To Remember - Monument'. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!
A Day To Remember - Monument
We have decided to enable comments on the video, so people searching can give us feedback and advice, which is also useful for the analyitcal and evaluation stages. Additionally I decided to upload the video onto my Facebook page for friends to view and give their opinion.
Research: Band Shots
For my preliminary task I think it is important to take still shots of the band and the individual musicians. I have drawn on Tom Ang's professional photography tips and applied them where necessary. Taking good photos with the right light and positioning is very important as I am planning to base the poster on one overlying image of the band, so the shot needs to be effective in terms of mise-en-scene and other important areas. A link to his tips on the BBC website can be found here:
Additionally i found some not to dos and important things to keep in mind for the shots:
Avoid red eye. Red-eye is caused when your eyes dilate in lower lighting. When your pupils are big, the flash actually lights up the blood vessels on the back wall of your eyeball, which is why it looks red. If you must use a flash in poor light, try to get the person to not look directly at the camera, or consider using a "bounce flash". Aiming your flash above the heads of your subjects, especially if the walls surrounding are light, will keep red-eye out. If you don't have a separate flash gun which is adjustable in this way, use the red-eye reduction feature of your camera if available - it flashes a couple of times before opening the shutter, which causes your subject's pupils to contract, thus minimizing red-eye. Better yet, don't take photographs which require a flash to be used; find somewhere with better lighting.
Focus. Poor focusing is one of the most common ways that photographs are ruined. Use the automatic focus of your camera, if you have it; usually, this is done by half-pressing the shutter button. Use the "macro" mode of your camera for very close-up shots. Don't focus manually unless your auto-focus is having issues; as with metering, automatic focus usually does a far better job of focusing than you can.]
Try an interesting angle. Instead of shooting the object straight on, try looking down to the object, or crouching and looking up. Pick an angle that shows maximum color and minimum shadow. To make things appear longer or taller, a low angle can help. If you want a bold photo, it is best to be even with the object. You may also want to make the object look smaller or make it look like you're hovering over; to get the effect you should put the camera above the object. An uncommon angle makes for a more interesting shot.
Fill the frame with your subject. Don't be afraid to get closer to your subject. On the other hand, if you're using a digital camera with plenty of megapixels to spare, you can crop it later in software.
Compose your shot thoughtfully. Get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter. If this means you and your friend have to move a little so that a tree does not appear to be growing out of her head, then do so. If glare is coming off the windows of the house across the street, change your angle a bit to avoid it. If you're taking vacation photographs, take a moment to get your family to put down all the junk they may be carrying around with them and to remove backpacks or hip packs as well. Keep that mess well out of the frame of the picture, and you will end up with much nicer, less cluttered photos. If you can blur the background in a portrait, then do so. And so on.
Additionally i found some not to dos and important things to keep in mind for the shots:

Focus. Poor focusing is one of the most common ways that photographs are ruined. Use the automatic focus of your camera, if you have it; usually, this is done by half-pressing the shutter button. Use the "macro" mode of your camera for very close-up shots. Don't focus manually unless your auto-focus is having issues; as with metering, automatic focus usually does a far better job of focusing than you can.]
Try an interesting angle. Instead of shooting the object straight on, try looking down to the object, or crouching and looking up. Pick an angle that shows maximum color and minimum shadow. To make things appear longer or taller, a low angle can help. If you want a bold photo, it is best to be even with the object. You may also want to make the object look smaller or make it look like you're hovering over; to get the effect you should put the camera above the object. An uncommon angle makes for a more interesting shot.
Fill the frame with your subject. Don't be afraid to get closer to your subject. On the other hand, if you're using a digital camera with plenty of megapixels to spare, you can crop it later in software.
Compose your shot thoughtfully. Get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter. If this means you and your friend have to move a little so that a tree does not appear to be growing out of her head, then do so. If glare is coming off the windows of the house across the street, change your angle a bit to avoid it. If you're taking vacation photographs, take a moment to get your family to put down all the junk they may be carrying around with them and to remove backpacks or hip packs as well. Keep that mess well out of the frame of the picture, and you will end up with much nicer, less cluttered photos. If you can blur the background in a portrait, then do so. And so on.
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