As I move further through the planning stages of my project I have decided to gather a list of media relevant theories and see if they can or already are being applied relevantly to my project so far. I have acquire a wide variety of theories and opinions from well known models within the study of media, many from existing notes others from new research:
Coates Examined that there are 4 ways to understand a society which links to Ideology and therefore can be implemented within the decision making of our characters for our music shoot. To some extent this has already been considered as we have thought about how the audience will react to our actors and the character they are portraying when being displayed in different scenarios and performing different actions, for instance the same actor being the bassist in the band as well as one of the characters the story focus around.
Cohen, S Coined the term moral panic in 1972. This was when media was often seen as the trigger for a decline in moral standards in society, this is more an expansion of knowledge than a theory that can be applied but knowing this will help me relate to panic in terms of media with a much better understanding.
John Corner Examined the process of realism within media texts, something which I personally aim to apply during the production of my preliminary tasks, and not so much within the ancillary itself, simply due to the nature of a post-hardcore genre of music video does not typically involve traits of realism and relys on abtract imagery and messages in its portrayal of a story.

Todorov, T Identified 5 stages of narrative/story and the notion that plots have a circular narrative. Equillibrium and Disequillibrium. These narrative stages were applied in a rather disfigured sense to our video, and not as well as they could have in my personal opinion, but they were there, making sure an equillibrium and disequillibruim were achieved at different stages of the production.
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