A very important decision for this course, is the choice of song. From past projects, ambitous and energetic music videos seemed very popular on the course, but the real importance seemed to lie in the understanding of the particullar genre's conventions. Different genres have different conventions and can limit the way in which you decide to produce music video entirely.
Below is a small list of popular genres and songs taken from the OCR's chief examiner's statement on last years coursework:
Pop - Katy Perry - Part of Me
The pop genre is very popular in terms of projects, my quantative research supports this, showing it as a very high percentage in popularity.
Music videos within this genre include lots of bright bold colours, clearly song and artist dependant, but Katy Perry represents this genre quite typically with sex appeal being clear from her advertisement campaign and music videos themselves. Even when the song is not relative to sex/love (which most songs within this genre are) she is shown as arguably as a sex object. Lots of effects and room for expansion appear when considering a Pop music video, and the choice is appealing for me personally. I think the focus of a solo artist would however limit certain choices in the production of our music video.
Rock - Foo Figthers - These Days
The rock genre is a much more diverse genre than pop and the example of Foo Figthers here is a good one. The majority of rock music videos (once more song and artist reliant) showcase the band and focus around action shots of the band and provide focus on all members, often more focus on the lead singer with sound syncing.
The song itself is to me and my colleauges taste, and the variety of paths we could take in terms of selecting a particullar song with reference to an interesting story to portray, much more so than pop. I think personally, it is of high importance to make sure the song reflects in the music videos telling of the story, but the band shots are completely seperate. This structure, diving the video into two logical easily understandable sections, leaves more focus on the editing, film taking and general quality of the video itself, which would be very good for my project.
Punk - The Casualties - For the Punx
My favourite out of the previously discussed genres is punk. Punk is generally a much more fast and upbeat form of music, reliant on dominant guitar and bass play, opposed to vocals and other forms. In terms of punk music videos themselves, action, lighting and band shots are very important, with less reference to story telling. On the other hand, many recent bands labelled as punk include less focus on intrumental play, and use more vocals, changing the way the genre is portrayed, and love benig shown in many storys in their music videos.
The true spirit of punk music, showcased by The Casualties, provides elements of rock and fast paced music raising the tempo for the audience and evoking different emotions than the previous genres. It is important for a music video for this genre to help these emotions be shown. So lighting and often the look of the characters involved and the band members is very important, much like the setting. Much more than other genres in my opinion.
Monument - A Day To Remember
After exploring punk a bit more the metalcore genre was a clear winner, enabling the elements of rock and punk with a clear vision for our prioject, fitting with our limited resources. The lighting for the band shots would work well with this song and the location (location link.) A Day To Remember are a fusion of heavy metal and hardcore punk, but many metalcore bands distinguish themselves from other punk metal fusions by its emphasis on breakdowns. Most vocals are screamed/growled. Depending on the band it can be high or low, or can have a mix of clean/growl vocals. The bands generally feature two guitarists who often play fast riffs with dual leads.The drummer usually performs using double-kick or double-bass drums. The metalcore genre is very broad. There can be many mixes with it, such as melodic metalcore (Anterior, ATR, Zao).
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